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While serving a vanguard Navy, Air Liquide is also innovating

For defense, Air Liquide designs and manufactures gas production, storage and regeneration systems for submarines and underwater drones. We also work on pioneering projects using our expertise in liquid oxygen storage. 
For the merchant navy, Air Liquide has also developed a solution, based on the Turbo-Brayton physical principle, which re-liquefies liquefied natural gas evaporations on ships carrying this product. 


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Turbo-Brayton Subcooler: the world leader in boil-off gas management

Some of the natural gas transported by methane tankers in liquefied form (LNG) evaporates naturally. This same problem plagues LNG-propelled vessels. Air Liquide has designed a cryogenic system based on reliable, economical, and compact Turbo-Brayton technology to reliquefy this gas and reuse it on boats.

LOx tanks for submarines and underwater drones

In order to increase the range capacity of submarines in deep dives, manufacturers have developed anaerobic propulsion systems. Air Liquide offers them a cryogenic tank linked to a circuit distributing the liquid oxygen necessary for the propulsion of the submarine and the supply of breathing air to the crew.

Why choose us ?

  • Our discipline
    Air Liquide has, for many decades, been a Defense supplier and partner. We master the challenges of severe environments perfectly.

  • Our services
    We support shipbuilders from the start of their project to its finish, from pre-design feasibility studies to onsite launch.