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Biomethane liquefaction

Depending on the flow rate, two technologies are used to liquefy biomethane

  • Low flow rate (up to 500 Nm3/h biomethane): biomethane liquefaction by using liquid nitrogen. As a refrigerant, it provides intense, rapid cooling.
  • Higher throughput (≥500 Nm3/h biomethane): highly efficient liquefaction process of methane using the Turbo Brayton. The cold power to liquefy biomethane is supplied by a reverse Brayton cycle providing low temperature power. The working gas, which is a mixture of inert gas, is compressed in multi-stages centrifugal compression. 

Applications for liquefied biomethane (BioGNL / BioLNG)

  • As a renewable fuel for the marine industry: BioLNG is a promising option for meeting the International Maritime Organization's (IMO) CO₂, sulfur and nitrogen oxides (NOx) emission reduction standards
  • As a fuel for land transport and heavy goods vehicles: Trucks equipped to run on LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) enable hauliers to adopt a more sustainable solution. In the face of increasingly stringent legislation on pollutant emissions in urban logistics, BioLNG is proving to be a viable alternative for urban distribution

A player in decarbonization

The development of biomethane plays a key role in the energy transition as a renewable energy. A number of shipping and trucking companies are turning to bioLNG to reduce their emissions on long-distance routes, while maintaining a range similar to that of traditional fuels.

While most merchant ships are powered by heavy fuel oil, which produces harmful emissions, changing regulations are pushing towards lower-emission alternatives such as LNG. LNG is then refueled via bunker ships, veritable floating “service stations”.

Bio-LNG is also proving to be a viable alternative for distribution in urban areas, at a time when legislation on pollutant emissions is being tightened.

Key benefits

  • Biomethane liquefaction: efficient and energy-efficient
  • Low equipment maintenance costs
  • Easy transport once liquefied
  • Optimized storage, even for large quantities, as liquefaction reduces storage volume by around 600 times compared with its gaseous form.

Technical features and performance

  • No preventive maintenance for 5 years
  • Low power consumption for high efficiency over the entire operating range from 0 to 100% load
  • Safe technology: inert cycle gas, no hydrocarbon mixtures
  • Simple to operate: fully automated remote control
  • Simplified installation thanks to plug-and-play, compact design (lightweight, small footprint)
  • No evaporation losses thanks to methane subcooling
  • Reduced utilities: no nitrogen, no compressed air for the Turbo Brayton , no oil
  • Cold power available immediately (less than 5 min) from standby mode

Related services

Air Liquide offers you services associated with Biomethane liquefaction:

  • Preventive and corrective maintenance
  • Remote maintenance
  • 24/7 hotline
  • Spare parts
  • Operating support and expertise
  • Training